_ We will have a delayed opening at 10:00 AM. For those parents/guardians who need to drop off before 10:00 AM, beginning at 6:30 AM, this will be available @Telford Street. _ All Students will enter through the main entrance on Telford Street including PreK 3 & Prek-4. K thru 8 will be directed to the gym. _ Breakfast will be served from 7:30 AM until 9:50 AM _Instruction will begin in the classrooms at 10:00 AM _ Parents/guardians must email their child's teacher if they will be absent. Grade 2 , email Ms. Cavaness@kcavaness@stjosepheo.com _Students in all grades may wear their gym uniforms on days when the temperature is below 32 degrees. _ If students wear boots to school they must bring their sneakers or shoes to change into while in school. _ Aftercare will close @ 5:00 PM to allow staff to get home safely due to weather. Please try to cooperate _ All basketball practices will be held in the afternoon during school time. No evening practices.